Jang Ha Ri and Han Yi Sang got their miracle, but not without shedding a few tears and facing some obstacles.

First published in Hellokpop on November 8, 2020.

Oh My Baby was such a treat with its depiction of the complexities and beauty of adult life. Though the journey to Jang Ha Ri and Han Yi Sang’s happiness was quite tough, the end result was definitely worth it. Jang Na Ra, Go Joon and the rest of the cast portrayed characters viewers can easily identify with. Their stories took us to a rollercoaster ride that is just the best depiction of life.

Oh My Baby
Title: Oh My Baby
Network: tvN
Theme: Romance, Family, Friendship
Length: 16 Episodes
Broadcast Date: 13 May 2020 – 02 Jul 2020
Main Leads: Jang Na Ra, Go Joon, Park Byung Eun, Jung Gun Joo
Highlights: Profound Life Lessons | Relatable Characters | Insightful Perspectives
Overall Rating:
Re-watch Value:

Oh My Baby

Oh My Baby Quick Plot Round Up

Jang Ha Ri (Jang Na Ra) is a senior writer and Deputy Manager of the child-rearing magazine “The Baby”. Due to her past heartaches, she directs her focus to her work and spent the last ten years off the dating scene. Before she knows it she is 39 years old, single and is diagnosed with endometriosis. Her condition, though treatable, greatly lowers her chances of having her own baby once she undergoes operation.

Desperate and pressed for time, Ha Ri devises a plan to get pregnant without having to marry. Her first attempt to negotiate with a potential donor turned into a massive disaster which threatens her career and privacy. Still willing to go through her plan, she shifted her attention to the men within her circle.

Oh My Baby

This includes Han Yi Sang (Go Joon), a hotshot photographer with whom Ha Ri had a previous unpleasant encounter; Yoon Jae Young, Ha Ri’s recently divorced childhood friend who just moved into her mother’s house with his child, as he tries to set up his pediatric clinic; and Choi Kang Eu Ddeum, a newbie team member of The Baby’s advertising department and who calls Ha Ri “Aunt”.

Despite their bad initial meeting, Ha Ri and Yi Sang find themselves drawn to each other. Soon they develop feelings and grow to care for one another. However, just as their bond gets stronger, Yi Sang’s own health condition puts a strain on their relationship.

Oh My Baby

Oh My Baby Highlights

Inspiring Messages

The drama’s premise is centered on Jang Ha Ri’s journey to achieve her lifelong dream of becoming a mother. It was not easy as she faced challenges on her career and personal life. As viewers get to witness Ha Ri’s struggles, we are given a lot of life lessons that will inspire us to be better and do better. It taught us to be more open-minded and be sensitive to other people’s struggles. The drama also explored the joys and sorrows of every relationship. It gave viewers a look into the struggles both adult men and women face in a society full of demand and expectations.

Oh My Baby made us laugh, cry and giddy while dropping some very much needed truth bombs. I particularly loved the scenes between Ha Ri and her mother as it showed the most realistic interactions and relevant conversations.

Relatable Characters

Oh My Baby is a drama about adults as they navigate through life, but younger audience can also relate to the characters and their stories. You don’t really have to be of a certain age to know how hard life can be. Some people get this realization early in their existence while others got to experience it later. You also don’t need to be young or old to understand the pain of being in a relationship. If it hurts, it hurts so it does not matter if what you have is a romantic or a filial relationship.

The characters not only represent ordinary people and their personal bond. They provided viewers an apt depiction of their professional lives as well. The series showed us the ups and downs of working to achieve one’s dreams.

Different Viewpoints

One of the things that stood out in Oh My Baby is the way it tried its best to give the audience different perspectives on certain topics. It is great to see how the characters were able to portray people and the way they see things differently. While Ha Ri was so adamant of having her own kid, her friend was so quick to tell her the disadvantages of having one.

I love how Oh My Baby tackled some societal biases through the characters viewpoints. Most people think that when a couple go through a divorce or a breakup, the men always have it easy. In the series both Han Yi Sang and Yoon Jae Young took most of the brunt when their respective relationships ended. Oh My Baby did a good job in letting viewers see how a broken relationship affects all genders.


Oh My Baby is the kind of drama that grows on you. The pacing, for some may be slow but it was one of the things that makes the drama memorable. It feels like we were not just watching the characters deal with issues but we, as viewers, were going through it with them.

I love how in each role we could find a representation of someone we might know. We have friends that are just like Jang Ha Ri. They are so focused in their career that they oftentimes forget to take care of themselves. There are colleagues who struggle to juggle their office work and responsibilities as parents. We may also know people who dealt with their loss or heartbreaks like Han Yi Sang and Yoon Jae Young. We may have encountered someone who is as innocent or naïve as Choi Kang Eu Ddeum. These characters make the entire series so endearing and close to real life.

The series put some spotlight on issues women face on a daily basis, specifically the ones from work. In workplaces dominated by men it has been a dogfight for women ever since. It seems like we have to prove and justify the things we do for these men to recognize or even acknowledge our abilities. Someone who is not strong enough would have given up easily for it is exhausting, physically, mentally and emotionally.

It was a drama, but the scenario resonates so much. Ha Ri and her colleagues have to deal with the pressure from their bosses as well as finding ways to generate subscription and sales. I’ve always known women are strong, but under this kind of situation, I could not help but express admiration to the ladies whose patience are tested every day. Also, I applaud women who find courage to stood up to the higher-ups to let them know enough is enough. We could all learn from the female characters in Oh My Baby.

Apart from work challenges, ladies also have to cope with remarks about their personal lives. Single women of certain ages have to repeatedly hear inquiries about dating and marriage. It hits different when the question comes from a family member. While this may be done out of concern, it is also worth considering that the only person who gets to decide about this, is the woman herself.

I love how Ha Ri’s mom is supportive of her decision although she wants something different. As parents, the best thing to do is give an opinion to provide a different outlook for consideration. If your child, who is old enough to decide, made a choice different from yours, the next recourse is to support it. Because at the end of the day, whether that decision is a success or a failure, it’s your child who will benefit from it or deal with the consequence.

Life is what we make of it and happiness should not be dependent on what other people say or have. Society may have these norms and rules that people are expected to follow, but it was not absolute. There are times we have to go against it, most especially if we know we are within reason and within our rights to do so. If your happiness impedes someone else’s, then think things through and put a stop to it. But if the only reason your holding back is due to a societal norm or because of people’s reactions, then you are not living your life, you are living theirs.

Purple Panda’s Note: The same review appears in kdramadiary and published on July 16, 2022.

Image Source: tvN

Streaming Sites: Viu | Netflix